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蓝灯 ftp

蓝灯 ftp

Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE: IRM), founded in 1951, is the global leader for storage and information management services. Trusted by more than 225,000 organizations around the world, and with a real estate network of more than 90 million square feet across more than 1,450 facilities in approximately 50 countries, Iron Mountain stores and protects $18 billion of valued assets, including critical business information, highly sensitive data, and cultural and historical artifacts.

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蓝灯 ftp

$4.2 billion


Consistent track record of revenue growth


of Fortune 1000 as customers

Total customer base of ~225,000, with retention of 98%

~$18 billion

Enterprise Value

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Dividend Yield

9 years of consecutive dividend increases

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蓝灯 ftp

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蓝灯 ftp

蓝灯 ftp

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